
on the rooftop, now you know. your body's frozen and you lost your soul.

     Keď má človek robiť niečo podstatné, ako učiť sa na skúšky, robí všetko preto, aby sa tomu vyhol... Teda, u mňa to tak jednoducho je. Rozmýšľam nad vecami, ktoré by ma normálne asi nenapadli. Ako napríklad prísť k faktu, že každé dievča má kamaráta chlapca, pre ktorého má slabosť. Nemyslím, že je doň zbláznené, aj keď aj to do toho môžme zarátať, ak chcete. Skôr to, že mu nepovie "nie". Opäť nemyslím teraz každé hľadisko kauzy "nie", skôr tie bežné každodenné malé ústupky. Je to jednoducho človek, ktorý ti je vnútorne naozaj podobný. Je to niekto, komu si sa dostala pod kožu a to až tak, že vidíš v ňom len holú podstatu dobra duše. Ty v kútiku svojho srdca cítiš, že tomu nevinnému stvoreniu vo vnútri nedokážeš odporovať. Vieš, že ďalej to nezájde, že to nie je ten pravý, aj keď občas váhaš, či by nemohol byť. Nie, nie je to ten pravý, naozaj nie. Je to však ten najlepší priateľ, ktoré si v živote mohla stretnúť a to je to najpodstatnejšie, čo toto zamyslenie sa nad ľudským rozpoložením duše môže priniesť tomuto svetu. Opäť, neberte to tak ako to stále beriete, ja len rozmýšľam... Občas až priveľmi a tak riadkov pribúda a pribúda... Teraz mi len držte prsty, chystám sa na ďalšiu škúšku a zajtra na prehliadku!
     Inak, outfit bol fotený ešte doma, keď moje vlasy sršali čerstvým červeným ohňom (lásky)... Nejak som naň zabudla.

ENGLISH : When you have to do something important as preparing for the school exams, you do everything other for not doing it... Well, I do exactly different things I shoul do. I think about things which I normaly would have never think about. As, for example, lead to fact that every girl has boy as a friend, on who she has a "weakness". I do not think that she is in love with him, although we also can count it here if you want. I rather say that she does not say "no" to him. Again, I did not mean it in every aspect of the case saying "no", I meant it like those everyday ordinary concessions. His is just a type of person who is inwardly similar to you. He is that one you got under his skin so deeply that you just see the naked gist of goodness of his soul. You feel in the back of your heart that you can not resist this innocent creature inside. You know that your friendship will not get to the next level, that he is not that right, although sometimes you hesitate if he could be that one. No, he is not that right, really no. But he is the real best friend you have ever met in your life and that is the most important thing what this muse about humans fame of my soul could ever brings to this world. Again, do not take it as you always take it, I am just thinking... Sometimes it is over my mind and the lines grow and grow... Just keep your fingers crossed for me, I am going to pass another exam and I have a fashion show tomorrov!
     Otherwise, the outfit was taken at home, when my hair sparkled with fresh red fire (of love)... I just forgot to write about it somehow.



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  1. ten náramok je super:))

  2. I'm absolutely in love with your hat!
    Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???

  3. Krásné, krásné, krásné! Text (naprosto s tebou souhlasím:)) i ty fotky <3
    Ten náramek je naprosto aww^^

    KLARA | klararecman.blogspot.com

  4. sooo lovely look, sweety)))) like ur bracelet))) xx

  5. Dúfam že skúšky aj prehliadka vyšli! :)
    Pekne si to zladila! Pristane Ti to <3

  6. Dear, your blog is amazing! i’m impressed by your design & photos!
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  7. Zajímavý náramek :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Amazing outfit!! I loved it!! I am having exams right now too and I do anything but studying!! It's so boring and the weather is so warm!! :P I love your hair colour and style!! Keep it up ;) :*
    Maria xox
