Dážď. Silný, a vietor. Včera večer, pohľad z okna - krása. Už mi chýbali len záblesky nebeských fotografov a bubny hromov. Nevadí, ale dočkala som sa. A doma. Áno, nezvládla som to, nasadla som na vlak a doviezla sa priamo do svojej mäkkej postele. Spolu so mnou kufor plný blbostí, ktoré mi v Liberci cez leto netreba... Taký ťažký teda ešte nikdy nebol! Dnes to bude diy a víťazka giveaway. Je ňou ANETT, slečna číslo 4 s emailom anetcernakova@azet.sk, dokazuje to aj môj verný priateľ RANDOM... Čo sa týka ďalších, na FACEBOOK-u už spomínaných súťaží, rozmýšľam nad jednou len pre bloggerov. Nie že by som chcela niekoho o niečo ukrátiť, ale súťaž o dizajn tu ešte nebola. Ak by bol záujem, jednu z nedokončených ukážok nájdete TUTO - krátka, pre 2 víťazov...
Inak, mám chuť písať, tvoriť, fotiť... Pri zistení, že za posledné 2 mesiace človek dokázal pridať len po štyri články, lomené mesiac. No hanba mi. Preto sa tiež chcem opýtať, čo za článok, možno viac, by ste si priali? Myslím, niečo výnimočné, iné, čo tu ešte nebolo, alebo naopak, čo sa tu už dávno neukázalo. Ak máte prianie, sem s ním! Píšte a píšte teraz, nech je v komentároch z čoho vyberať!
Inak, mám chuť písať, tvoriť, fotiť... Pri zistení, že za posledné 2 mesiace človek dokázal pridať len po štyri články, lomené mesiac. No hanba mi. Preto sa tiež chcem opýtať, čo za článok, možno viac, by ste si priali? Myslím, niečo výnimočné, iné, čo tu ešte nebolo, alebo naopak, čo sa tu už dávno neukázalo. Ak máte prianie, sem s ním! Píšte a píšte teraz, nech je v komentároch z čoho vyberať!
ENGLISH : Rain. The strong one, and the wind. Yesterday evening, the view from the window - beauty. I just missed the flash of heavenly photographs and the drums of thunders. Does not matter, I waited for that and it came. And at home. Yes, I did not handle it, I took the first train and I went right back into my soft bed. With my suitcase full of stupid things which I will not need in Liberec during the summer... It has never been that heavy as it was now! Today just some diy and the winner of my giveaway. The winer is ANETT, the lady number 4 with the email anetcernakova@azet.sk, my faithful friend RANDOM proves that... For the orther giveaways which I have mentioned on my FACEBOOK, I am thinking about one just for bloggers. I really do not want to stint anyone, but I have never organized any competition for the blog design. If you would be interested, you can find one of unfinished sample HERE - the short one, for 2 winners...
Otherwise, I have a taste to write, create, take some photos... With the observation that for the last 2 months I was able to write just four articles, per month. Well, shame on me. I also want to ask you because of it, what kind of article, maybe more articles, you want to see here? I mean something outstanding, different, something you have never see here, or conversely, you have seen here a long time ago. If you have some wish, write it down! Write and write it now, I want to choose something from all of the commets!
Otherwise, I have a taste to write, create, take some photos... With the observation that for the last 2 months I was able to write just four articles, per month. Well, shame on me. I also want to ask you because of it, what kind of article, maybe more articles, you want to see here? I mean something outstanding, different, something you have never see here, or conversely, you have seen here a long time ago. If you have some wish, write it down! Write and write it now, I want to choose something from all of the commets!