Opäť streda. A ešte k tomu voľno v škole kvôli *Benefečnému Koncertu* na počesť výročiu našej školy. Takže sme s Ajkou využili príležitosť a šli sme do *Boutique* ráno. Odišli sme s plnými taškami. Za veci by som v reále zaplatila majland!
English : Wednesday again. And we were not at school, because our school celebrates the anniversary, so we went to *Concert*. So me & Ajka took this opportunity and went to our *Boutique* in the morning. We left with full bags. I would pay a million for this stuff in I buy it in normal store!
♥ school uniform - NaxoS ♥
♥ sweater - [secondhand] ♥
♥ pink blazer - Marcs & Spencer ♥
♥ white handbag - [secondhand] ♥
♥ shorts - Joy ♥
Kejmy.Photos by : Kejmy.