Dneškom vám prinášam novú kolekciu od Ralpha Laurena na Jeseň 2o11. Pôvab a šmrnc dodávajú krivkám to, čo chcel návrhár zvýrazniť - ženskú dokonalosť. Tejto kolekcii nechýba ani šarm v spojení s tmavými tónmi, ktoré vkladajú týmto kúskom eleganciu.
English : I bring you today a new collection by Ralph Lauren for Fall 2o11. Flair and charm - the designer wanted to emphasize - femine perfection. This collection also includes the charm in conjuction with the dark tones, that added elegance for the pieces.
English : I bring you today a new collection by Ralph Lauren for Fall 2o11. Flair and charm - the designer wanted to emphasize - femine perfection. This collection also includes the charm in conjuction with the dark tones, that added elegance for the pieces.