Au. Múdrosť naozaj bolí! Zatiaľ rastie len prvá... Teda, aj druhá osmička sa mi už prerezáva, ale tá ľavá úplne hore vzadu je už celá vonku. Áno, bolí to, hoci doteraz som o tom ani veľmi nevedela... Inak, taká otázka, keď vyrastú, budem ešte múdrejšia?!
English : Ow. A wisdom really hurts! Just the firts is growing yet. Well, also the second 'eight' already pruns but that left all the way up is already out. Yes, it hurts, I really have not known about it... Otherwise, just a question, when it grow up I will be smarter?!
♥ sweater - Vintage ♥
♥ belt - C&A ♥
♥ dress - F&F ♥
♥ shoes - H&M ♥
On The Photos : Kejmy.
Photos by : my mom.