Sedím na zemi. Izba je prázdna. Sedím presne v strede... Teda, v strede aktuálneho priestoru bez nábytku. Podo mnou je koberec, pod kobercom dlážka... Pod ňou najskôr niekoľko potrubí, strop a ďalší ľudia. Možno ďalší ľudia, ktorí sedia v strede izby rovnako ako ja. Však väčšia pravdepodobnosť je, že tam nik nie je. Som tu len ja. Ja a veľa bieleho tylu. V rukách mám nožnice a snažím sa odstrihnúť nerovnosti na výnimočnom kúsku z mojej novej kolekcie. Lepšie povedané, mojej školskej semestrálnej práce, však tentoraz budú tri celkové outfity... Teda, budem sa snažiť, aby boli. Malý 'sneak peek' ste už mohli vidieť na mojom INSTAGRAM-e. Aj preto som sa včera nemohla zúčastniť na 'FASHION BLOGGER BAZÁR-e', ktorí sa konal v Prahe pod záštitou PATRIKA, MARTINA, FOLY a BECCI... Možno nabudúce. Dnes len tak krátko, s malou nádielkou DIY inšpirácie a kreácie. Kabelôčku budete môcť vidieť v akcií v najbližšom outfit-článku.
ENGLISH : I am sitting on a ground. I am sitting right in the middle of the room, the room is empty... Well, in the middle of actual space without the furniture. There is the carpet below me, there is the floor under the carpet... There might be several pipelines under that, the ceiling and other people. Maybe other pleople, who are also sitting in the middle of the room as me. However, the more likely it is that there is nobody there. It is just me, me alone. Me and a lot of tulle. I have the scissors in my hand and I am trying to cut the disparities on the outstanding piece of my new collection. Better said, of my school semestral work, but this time I am going to create three overall outfits... Well, I will try to make everything work. You could already see a little 'sneak peek' on my INSTAGRAM. Also because of it I could not go and see the 'FASHION BLOGGER BAZAAR', which was held in Prague under the auspices of PATRIK, MARTIN, FOLY and BECCA... Maybe next time. Today just shortly, with a small DIY inspiration and creation. The handbag will be seen in the next article with outfit photos.