Áno, priznávam. Nevydržala som to a nenápadne som sa vybrala do Boutique-u... Ale mala som aspoň fádny dôvod, potrebovala som niečo extra na zajtrajší famózny večer! A našla som! Aj keď som tam strávila 2 hodiny a to bez rád mojej Ajky, ktoré mi v danej chvíli naozaj chýbali.
Kúpila som si sako, po ktorom moje srdce už dávno túžilo. Doladila som k nemu aj sexy jednoduché šaty. Ale kabelka nie je k outfitu. Neovládla som sa a kúpila si najúžasnejšiu kabelku všetkých čias a môjho šatníka!
Veď posúďte sami, že budem na zožratie? ♥.
English : Yes, I admire. I did not withstand it and I went to the Boutique... But at least I had a big reason, I needed something extra to the famous tomorrow night! And I found it! Althought I spent 2 hours there without advices from my darling Ajka which to me at the moment really lacked.
I bought a jacket, after which my heart has long dreamed of. I have to fine-tune a simply sexy dress. But the bag is not with the outfit. I lost the control and I bought the most perfect bag of all the time and my wardrobe!
So tell yourself, will I be so cute in it? ♥.
♥ dark blue dress - Savida ♥
♥ grey jacket - Fashion Union ♥
♥ London heart bag - Primark ♥
Photos by : Kejmy.