Nie som úplne skvelá v písaní beauty článkov, každopádne začali ma baviť a som nesmierne rada, že som mohla byť pozvaná na tento skvelý beauty event, kde nám predstavili novú talianskú značku, ktorá prichádza do pultov sietí Fann Parfumérií! Popravde, Naj Oleari je na trhu dobrých pár rokov rokov, len u nás je to novinka a musím sa uznať, že skvelá novinka! Ako viete, nepotrpím si na drahú, luxusnú a značkovú kozmetiku. Ale toto... Toto ma očarilo už vo chvíli, keď som vošla do konferenčnej miestnosti! Ako môžte vidieť na fotkách, spravili tomu nádherný vizuál a všetko sme si mohli vyskúšať! Ovoňať, otestovať a baby sa dokonca aj nalíčili a nalakovali si nechty!
ENGLISH : I am not great in writing beauty articles, but I've started to really like to create them and I am really glad that I could be invited to this amazing beauty event, where we were introduced to the new Italian brand, which is coming to shelves of Fann Parfumerie drugstores! Well, Naj Oleari brand exists for some years now, it is just the novelty for Slovakia and I have to admit that one of the best news yet! As you know, I don't need very expensive, luxury and branded cosmetic products. But this one... This charmed me right the moment I stepped into the conference room! As you can see in the pictures, they've made incredible visualization to it and we could try what we wanted! To smell it, to test it, and some of the girls also made their make up with these products and painted their nails too!
Značka pochádza z Talianska, kde má už dlhú tradíciu a ako nám povedala paní, ktorá nám o nej vravela, s touto značkou sa stretla už vo svojom detstve, keď mamke potajomky kradla líčidlá a líčila sa nimi. Veď to všetky dobré poznáme, každá z nách chcela byť princeznou! A teraz sa nimi môžme stať, nakoľko každý product obsahuje krásne trblietky a esenciálne oleje, ktoré obsahujú vitamíny a nádherne voňajú! Mojou najbľúbenejšou vôňou je marshmalo, veď ako inak...
ENGLISH : The brand comes from Italy, where it has the long tradition and the ladies, who were trying to introduce us to the products, said that the first time she has met this brand was when she was a little girl and she used to secretly steal the makeup products from her mom. Well, we all know it too good, every girl used to become a princess! And you can become one now because every cosmetic product contains the sparkles and essential oils, which contains all the vitamins and all the products have the wonderful scent! My favourite is the marshmallow, of course...
Mňa osobne, ako budúcu textilnú návrhárku, najviac zaujal fakt, že táto kozmetická značka existuje naozaj dlhé roky aj ako známa taliancká textilná značka, ktorá vyrába dezány a návrhy textílií. Čo je naozaj super, aspoň pre mňa teda... To všetko je rozhodne vidieť na obaloch všetkých produktov, nakoľko preniesli najobľúbenejšie vzory na celého obalového dizajnu. Každý vzor reprezentuje inú kategóriu - kvetinky sú ná tvárovej a pleťovej kozmetike, včeličky na produktoch na oči a obočie, čerešničky na perách a palmičky na nechtovej kozmetike.
ENGLISH : As the future textile designer, I was personally most interested in the fact that this cosmetic brand exists for many years also as the well-known Italian textile brand, which makes designs of textile materials. Which is really cool... Well, for me of course. All of this is perfectly seen on all the covers because they transformed the most popular patterns to the whole packaging design. Every pattern represents different cosmetic categories - the flowers are part of the face and skin products, the bees are pictured on the products for eyes and eyebrows, the cherries are for the lips and the palms are on the nail products.
Ako vidíte, všetko je krásne ružové, z čoho sme všetky hýkali a achkali! Ale najzaujímavešie na celom evente bola ukážka výroby rúžov. A ešte lepšie to, že sme si ich mohli vyrobiť aj samé! Kejmy sa prihlásila, samozrejme, hneď ako druhá... Celý proces mi bol vysvetlený a teraz je zo mňa veľký profík! Vtipy stranou, ale kiež by som mala to vybavenie, ktoré je k tomu potrebné... Každopádne mám doma odtieň s názvom #Kejmy, #Candy a #Nikaruz, ktorý je galakticko-modrý, čo môžte vidieť na tejto fotke od @nikavujisic, ktorá túto šialenú nádheru vytvorila!
ENGLISH : As you can see, everything is nicely pink, which all the girls fall for! But the most interesting part of the event was the sample of how the lipsticks are made. And even better was that we could also make ones by ourselves! Kejmy raised her hands as the second person to try it, of course... The whole process was described to me and I am a huge professional in it! Just joking, but I wish I have the necessity needed for their creation... Anyway, I have on my shelf at home the tone called #Kejmy, #Candy a #Nikaruz, which is blue-galactic and you can see in this picture from @nikavujisic, who made this crazy color tone!
Za poslednú fotku z akcie veľmi pekne ďakujem @candy_grant, ktorá úžasne zachytila moment, ako pilne sa vzdelávam! Tento beauty event som si nesmierne užila, hlavne dve hodiny po ňom s babami, ktoré sme úspešne prekecali... Áno, keď sa stretnú blogerky, majú sa rozhodne o čom rozprávať! Ak vás táto kozmetika zaujala, na stránkach už sú produkty online na objednávku aj s cenami. Sú vyššie, ale myslím, že ak zainvestujete, neoľutujete! Už si len, zas a znova, pustite ďalšiu pieseň z môjho playlistu a užite si krásny zvyšo dňa!
ENGLISH : I am thankful for the last picture from the event to @candy_grant, who shot perfectly the moment of how I work and learn hard! I really enjoyed this beauty event, mainly two hours after with girls, which we spent talking... And yes, bloggers have so much to discuss when they meet! If you like this cosmetic brand, you can already order the products online at website for good prices. They are a little bit higher, but I think that if you invest, you won't be disappointed! I just add you another of my songs from my playlist and I wish you a nice rest of the day!