A mám to... Mám to za sebou. To najťažšie je tento týždeň už preč... Výsledok? Tak pekne po poriadku. Inštalácia výstavy v Jablonci prebiehala v pondelok. Čo si budeme vravieť, budova plná umelcov, nik nevedel, kto má čo robiť. Takže pol hodinovú prácu sme robili pol dňa... Čo už, v utorok sa konala vernisáž obohatená o módnou prehliadku. Opäť, žiadne informácie, zariaďte sa tak, aby to bolo perfektné. Sme prváci, pre väčšinu z nás to bolo ako prísť o panenstvo... Tak Tatranská vzala do rúk opraty a hor sa do roboty. Menný zoznam umelcov a ich modelky sme prepisovali asi 3-krát... Nakoniec nám zahaprovala len jedna z nich, čo je fakt veľký úspech! Keďže som bola ten, kto mal v ruke zoznam, našu prehliadku som nevidela. Ale ani zvyšok, musela som to ísť predýchať. Takže teraz len čakám, kto všetko pridá fotky, nech viem, ako to všetko vlastne prebiehalo. Streda bola najhoršia - obhajoba prácu. Keď sa ma potom pýtali, čo som k tomu povedala... Poviem vám, bola som tak mimo, že si naozaj nič nepamätám. Ale vyzerali celkom spokojne a ja som z toho mala naozaj dobrý pocit. Pocit, ktorý ma nesklamal a nakoniec je z toho práca za výbornú! Hodnotené bolo prestieranie, ktoré ste videli v poslednom ČLÁNKU a odev, ktorý ste mohli vidieť zatiaľ len na mojom INSTAGRAME. Tiež pridávam fotky aj sem, fotenie bola naozaj zábava, pre ten vietor, aj pre všetkých, čo na nás zízali. Ako FOTKA od jedného druháka, ktorú mi poslal. Takýto je život na internáte! Dnes bol už len zápis do indexu, ktorý sa u mňa neuskutočnil, kedže som ho niekde založila a len on sám vie, kde je... Nič to, som nesmierne šťastná a extrémne unavená, takže už len PIESEŇ dokonalá k tomuto krásnemu dňu!
ENGLISH : Yes, I have it... It is over me. The hardest exam is over me this week... The result? Let's start at the beggining. The installation of exhibition was on Monday in Jablonec. What can I say, the building full of artists, noone knew what should we do. So were doing the half hour work for half a day... What ever, there were an opening of exhibition enriched with fashion show on Tuesday. Again, no information, just do everything possible to being successful with the fashion show. We are the first-class students, it was like loose virginity almost for all of us... So I picked up the reins into my hands and I undertook to the work. We had to rewrite the name list of artists and their models more than 3 times... There were just the one mistake in the order, so we can take it like the biggest success! Becuse I was the person with the list in my hands, I have not seen our show. But I also have not seen the rest of it, I had to take a breath in other room. So now I am waiting for some photos from that evening to see the other studets works. Wednesday was the worst - the defence of the works. When people asked me what was I talking about... I have to say, I was too confused to remember something. But they looked contentedly and I had a good feeling from it. My feeling has not disappointed me and finally I got the best mark! They rated the dinner table setting which you could see in my last ARTICLE and the clothes, which you could see only on my INSTAGRAM. I am also putting the photos here, the shooting was really fun because of the wind and because of everyone who was starring at us. As the PICTURE from one second-class student who sent me that. This is the life at the hall of residence! Today we went to school just for the results, which I do not have written in my student ID, because I put it somewhere and it is the only one thing which knows where it is... What ever, I am really happy and extremely tired, so just the perfect SONG for this beautiful day!