Sedím doma pri okne a hľadím na vysokú brezu pýšiacu sa v strede trávnatého porastu... Aspoň to, čo z neho ostalo... A premýšľam o tom, že na ňom niet ani živej duše. Žiadne dieťa, žiaden tínedžer, nik... Kde sa stratili tie časy, keď si dieťa vzalo deku, hračky a rozložilo sa na tráve medzi bytovkami na sídlisku a za pár minút sa okolo neho zbehla kôpka ďalších detí? Bolo jedno, či tam bývajú, alebo len prázdninujú u starých rodičov, alebo sú z vedľajšej ulice... Boli sme kamoši a hrávali sme sa s bábikami, kopali si loptu, alebo hrali sa hry ako 'cukor-káva-čaj-rum-bum', 'krvavé poleno', či dokonca vymýšľali vlastné ako 'krvavá Marry', ktorá mala vlastné pravidlá, ktoré vtedy jednoducho dávali zmysel! Alebo sme inscenovali scénky z telenoviel, stavali si stany z diek a ukradnutých štipcov od mamiek, alebo jednoducho len vzali bicykle a naháňali sa... Trávili sme spolu čas, naberali spomienky a vytvárali priateľstvá na celý život...
ENGLISH : I sit at the window at home and I am looking at the high birch in the middle of the grass... At least what remained of it... And I am thinking about the fact that there's nobody outside. Any child, any teenager, nobody... Where are those times when the child took the blanket, toys and spread all on the grass between the block of flats at the settlement and about few minutes, you could see that the kid is surrounded by all the other kid from the street? It didn't matter, if they live there and they are just on the vacation at grandparents, or they live on the other street... We used to be friends and we played together with dolls, we played football, we played strange games with strange names, or we created our own like 'Bloody Marry', which had its own rules and they made sense! Or we replayed the scenes from soap operas, we built the tents from blankets and stolen tweak from our moms, or we just took our bikes and hounded each other... We used to spend a lot of time together and we made memories and friendships for life...
A presne tak sme sa aj s blogerkou Vladies spoznali! Pred tým, ako sa z nás stali kreatívne mladé slečny, sme boli len obyčajné šťastné deti plné elánu a chute dobíjať svet! Liezli sme po stromoch, hrali sa na schovávačku, chodili na tú istú základnú školu a tešili sa na popoludnia, kedy vybehneme z bytoviek a budeme sa staviať snehuliakov či loziť po jedinej preliezke v okolí. Bolo to nádherné obdobie môjho života, z ktorého priateľstvá dokážu trvať aj naveky! Samozrejme myslím to realisticky, každopádne my sme kamarátky až dodnes a ja si to nesmierne vážim! Vieme sa rozprávať hodiny, navzájom inšpirovať a podržať aj v ťažkých chvíľach!
ENGLISH : And this is exactly how I and amazing blogger Vladies met! Before we ended up being two young and creative ladies, we were just ordinary happy kids full of joy and dreams to conquer the world! We climbed the trees, we played hide-and-seek, we used to attend the same primary school and we used to look forward to the afternoons when we run from our blocks of flats and we will build the snowmen or climb the only ?? around. It was the beautiful season of my life, and the friendships from that season can take forever! Of course, I mean it realistically, but we are friends till today and I truly appreciate it! We can talk together for hours, we can inspire each other and we can hold each other up in the bad times too!
Preto, keď sedím v kuchyni a hľadím na ten prázdny trávnik, je mi smutno, že to dnešná mládež nepozná... Že si nezažíva dlhé letné večeri hraním schovávačky po tme a nenaberá iné skvelé spomienky, ktoré máme z detstva my... Rada na to spomínam a vždy ma teší fakt, keď na to spomíname spolu. O tom, ako sme sa spoznali... O tom vám viac napísala Vladies vo svojom úžasnom najnovšom článku, v ktorom nájdete aj iné fotky z úžasného fotenia s talentovanou Kriss Torjai Photography!
ENGLISH : That's why I can get a little bit nostalgic when I look through the window in our kitchen at home... It is said that nowadays kids will never experience anything like we did... That they'll never be out till the sun goes down to play the real hide-and-seek in the dark, they will never get those amazing memories, which I always like to remember from my childhood... I really like to do it and it always makes me happy when we can talk about old times together. About how we met... Vladies wrote more about it in her amazing newest article, where you can find more pictures from amazing photo shooting with talented Kriss Torjai Photography!
A určite nezabudnite zájsť aj k Vladies, jej najnovší článok ma naozaj a úprimne dojal! Nájdete v ňom aj o tom, ako sa dostala k blogovaniu a niečo málo o našom vzťahu... Jednoducho stojí za to si ho prečítať! Ja sa s vami na dnes lúčim, prajem krásny zvyšok dňa a ak máte chuť, určite mi v komentári napíšte, ako ste sa v detstve hrávali, alebo či vaše detské priateľstvá pretrvali až dodnes! Nezabudnite si pustiť aj túto krásnu pieseň!
ENGLISH : And certainly don't forget to check the newest articles at Vladies blog too, it truly touched my heart! You can find there the story of how she got to blogging and a little bit about our friendship... It is really worth to read! I am saying goodbye for today, I wish you nice rest of the day and if you want, you can also leave me a comment with some games you used to play with your friend as a child or about your friendships for life if you still have some childhood friends till today! Don't forget to turn on this beautiful song too!
PHOTOS BY : Kriss Torjai Photography - @torjaikriss