
You can alway get what you want!

     Tak je. A preto sme v posledný krásny slnečný prázdninový deň nakúpili... Našla som čierne šaty, čiže z SheInside si zajtra objednám tie jeansové!
     Inak sme si kúpili s Ajkou plavky [áno, na konci leta] a zahrali bowling. A má nový design, odomňa ♥.
     PS. : GIVEAWAY!

English : That right. And for that we went shopping in the last sunny day of holidays... I found black dress so I am going to buy that demin one from SheInside!
     Otherwise, me and Ajka bought a swimsuit [yes, in the end of summer] and played bowling. And her blog has a new desing, by me ♥.
     PS. : GIVEAWAY!

♥ shirt - Kejmy, The Shop
♥ shorts - F&F
♥ shoes - Vintage

On The Photos : Kejmy.
Photos by : Ajka [http://curly-news.blogspot.com/].

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