Tak sa volá reštaurácia, v ktorej som dnes obedovala. Mali sme rodinný obed ako menšiu oslavu. Bolo to celkom chutné... Inak, včera bol venček! Moje organizačné schopnosti nezlyhali. Môžem si dať ďalšiu čiarku! A ak mám hovoriť o včerajšom večery ako o pocitoch, tak bolo to naozaj kúzelné. Nebudem nič prirovnávať k typickým americkým filmom, pretože to tak vôbec nevyzeralo. Ale musím sa priznať, že by som privítala viacej takýchto kultivovaných akcií. Predsa len sme väčší kamaráti, ako si všetci myslíme.
ENGLISH : That is the name of the restaurant where I was today. We had family lunch as a smaller celebration. It was quite tasty... Otherwise, we had a final dance evening party! My organizational abilities did not fail. I can put a comma to myself! And if I have to talk about yesternight as about feelings, so it was really magic. I will not compare it to a typical American films, because it was not like that. But I must admit that I would welcome more such events. Nevertheless we are more friends as we all think.
uuuuuu mňam!